Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Confessions of an Over-Ambitious Blogger

I would like to take a moment to apologize for my lack of blogging lately. You see, I have about 10 posts in process right now that span from before my parents were here in December up to this past weekend. I have a bad habit of starting posts and then leaving them there, unfinished, for ridiculous amounts of time. Part of the reasoning for this is that we have a slow and unpredictable Internet connection, but part of it is that I get so many started that the idea of trying to catch up on them all is quite daunting. So, rather than try to catch up on old posts before I move on to new ones (because that is obviously not working well for me), I am going to start writing about current things and catch up on the others as I get the chance. It will look a little strange on here though, because the entries will post on the date that I began them, not the date that I publish them. I will put notes telling you when older posts are up and ready for viewing! Hopefully soon, I really will be caught up and will be able to stay that way.

Until then, my name is Laura Beth, and I'm an over-ambitious blogger.


Cheryl said...

Ah, I have also been the victim of over ambitious blogging. You know, after you finish a post, you could just cut and paste it into a "new post" and then it'll show up on the day you actually post instead of the day you started it, thus preventing people from having to scroll back to find a "new" post amid the old ones. Just a though. I know I have do to this sometimes.

Also, not that this will help with over ambitious blogging, but you should look into slideshows when you have tons of pictures (which I love seeing, btw).

And on a third note, I continue to be so jealous of all your adventures. Have you gotten a jigger yet? I'm so glad your parents got to join you for the holidays. What a blessing! How long are you staying over there?

shell said...

Thanks for explaining the posting situation. :) That helped clear things up in my brain. (which needs all the clearing up it can get)

I love you and I too am jealous of all your adventures. What a blessing and what stories you will tell for a lifetime: "Remember my summer in Africa...." Your grandkids will get sick of it. :)

love ya!

LBC said...


I figured out how to change the date on the posts, and I probably will for some of them. But some I want to stay in the date order that they are in so that I can remember when they happened. That's just me wanting some sort of organization!

I also really like the slideshows, but I haven't given any time to figuring out how to do them. I know that they probably aren't hard, I just haven't taken the time. I am also a little concerned about how well they will work with our internet connection here. What do you use for slide shows?

I don't think that I have gotten a jigger yet, as I don't know what that is. I will be here until late August.

When do you guys head back to the States? I checked in on your blog the other day and Caleb is adorable! I know you know that, but just thought I'd share:)