Monday, February 05, 2007

2am Super Bowl Party

It is 6:30am and I am sitting at my computer debating whether or not I should try to get in a nap before beginning my day. I just got back from watching the Super Bowl live thanks to the Tyler's satellite TV and ESPN's international broadcast of the game! I went to bed early last night so that I could wake up for the game. While I should probably feel like this:

I actually feel pretty good! This could be due to the fact that I have had coffee and tea.

I wasn't particularly vested in either of the teams, I just love football and this was the only chance that I would have to see a live game all season! Besides, Super Bowl parties are always fun and now I have wonderful memories of getting up at the ridiculously early hour of 2am to hang out with friends from the community and watch some football!

I needed to have a team to root for, so I decided going into it that I would be a Colts fan because I like Peyton Manning and my sister-in-law is from Indiana. I'm glad those two factors helped me choose the winning team! Most of the others at the party had decided to be Colts fans as well, so I was in good company. The rest of the single ladies (other than the teenagers) bailed on me and didn't go to the game. We are doing medical clinics out in villages this week and apparently they thought they needed sleep for this! I'm so glad that I went anyway! Such fun!

(Leila Shelburne and I)

(Community Friends)

(Shawn and Linda Tyler - Thanks for hosting the game!)

(The girls spent most of their time enjoying the fact that they were able to hang out at such an absurd hour, talking, eating junk food, and making a new friend - I think they named him Todd.)

(The boys probably had the most comfy seats in the house! I think they also struggled a little to stay awake at times!)


shell said...

How fun!!! I remember doing that growing up, only we were watching Aggie football and we didn't have a satellite, so the reception was never good. But it was fun nonetheless. Granted, that's back when Aggie football was worth getting up in the middle of the night for. :) Great memories!

Ron and Marilyn said...


Sara said I should check out your blog again as I'd given up checking as no new stuff there. So, like WOW, lots of new stuff today! It was great seeing your parents photos with you and Christmas and the Super Bowl and your kitchen! Can't wait to see it myself - we are to be there on March 6 - not much longer and then we'll be together in Kenya, too! How cool is that?

love you bunches,
