Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I.R.T. - Gorilla Trekking!

We woke up early on the morning of our gorilla trekking adventure to prepare for an incredible day! We drove in the early hours of the morning to the main ORTPN office not far outside of Ruhengheri town. We were then put into a hiking group, given a guide, and set out to find our family of 8 gorillas, the Umubano group.

As we drove to the trailhead, we could see the volcanic mountains in the distance.

Our hike began with walking through local fields until we reached a wall made of volcanic rock, which marks the boundaries of the Volcanoes National Park.

(Becca E. and I with our guide, Francis)

Once inside the park, we began hiking up the mountain through a bamboo forest. The hike was so much fun! We were climbing over, under, and through bamboo with our guide up front hacking out a “path” with his machete.

We even stopped for a moment to try some of the gorillas’ favorite food – fresh bamboo shoots!

As we hiked, our guide was in communication with trackers who stay in the mountains and keep up with where the family units are moving. They help the guide know which direction to hike and also help to protect the gorillas from potential poachers. After about an hour of hiking we saw the first member of our gorilla family. It was an adolescent and was lounging around downhill from us. After a while, he got up and ran past us all and grabbed onto a boy that was with us! The trackers and the guide got the gorilla off of the boy and then, as it ran back down the hill, it grabbed and swung off of Becca E. like she was a tree! It was crazy!

We hiked down the path where that gorilla had been and around the corner to find ourselves in an opening on the side of the mountain with the gorilla family all around us! There were mothers and babies and one silverback.

(The silverback of the family)

The guides were a little concerned with the fact that we were in the middle of the family, but soon most of the family moved up further into a different clearing and we were able to watch them interact for about an hour. It was so amazing! For the most part, the adults just sat around and ate bamboo while the smaller ones played. The little ones were so much fun to watch as they were constantly climbing, swinging and wrestling with each other! One time one of the smaller ones (I think it may have been the same one that grabbed onto Becca E.) ran back out to the first clearing and ran into me on the way! It basically just brushed against me as it went past, but still, it touched me!

(family time)

(wrestling babies)

(adolescent snacking)

(We almost look like we were pasted in, but seriously, we were that close!)

(hard to tell: frustrated or bored?)

(so cute!)

(swingin' in the trees)

(anyone up for some sunbathing?)

The hour went by entirely too fast and we soon had to leave the family behind and begin our hike back down the mountain.

It was quite muddy and slippery in places and we going almost straight down sometimes. The combination of those factors led to some really funny slipping and sliding!

The hike down was beautiful and I struggled between needing to watch where I was going and wanting to take in everything around me that was so amazing! All in all this was one of the most incredible adventures ever! Pictures and words cannot do justice to how beautiful our surroundings were and what amazing creatures the gorillas are! I know I have said it many times before, but it always remains true, we serve an incredible God! Hiking on that mountain and watching the gorillas reminded me again of God’s amazing creativity and what a blessing it is that He allows me to enjoy it! Wherever you are, never forget to take a step back and take in the beauty and blessings that God surrounds us with!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You are so brave. How FUN! You are so right about the beauty of the creations our God has blessed us with. The scenery is so amazing and to be so close to the!

Ron and Marilyn said...

Laura Beth!! I just looked at your blog again and there you were with gorillas!! WOW!! I am way amazed that you got to see them. Way to go and have an amazing adventure!! Hey, I'll see you at CBW!! Can't wait!

love you,
